JAMES C. KECK(1924-2010)Doctoral Thesis andPublications in Edited Books andProceedings of National and International Conferences
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Keck, J.C.
The Production of Energetic Protons
in Nuclei Exposed to 300-MeV Bremsstrahlung
Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, June 1951
Keck, J.C.; Littauer, R.
Production of Photomesons from
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting
of the American Physical Society, New York City, January 31, February 1-2, 1952
Physical Review, Vol. 86, 602 (1952)
Perry, A.M.; Keck, J.C.
Excitation Functions for Photoprotons from Carbon
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting
of the American Physical Society, New York City, January 31, February 1-2, 1952
Physical Review, Vol. 86, 629 (1952)
Bacher, R.F.; Keck, J.C.; Peterson, V.Z.; Teasdale,
J.G.; Tollestrup, A.V.; Walker, R.L.; Worlock, R.M.
Photoproduction of Positive Mesons from Hydrogen - Results
Physical Review, Vol. 92, 1090 (1953)
Keck, J.C.; Kivel, B; Wentink, T., Jr.
Emissivity of High Temperature Air
Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Inst., Preprints of Papers, Stanford
Univ. Press, pp.279-294 (1957)
Taylor, R.L.; Keck, J.C.; Washburn W.K.; Leonard, D.A.;
Melcher, II, B.W.; Carbone, R.M.
Techniques for Radiation Measurements and Flow Visualization of
Self-Luminous Hypersonic Wakes
Presented at the 7th Ballistic Missile and Space Technology Symposium,
August 13-16, 1962.
Keck, J.C.
Faraday Society, Vol. 33, 291 (1962)
Kantrowitz, A.R.; Keck, J.C.
Summary of Variational Theory of Three-Atom Recombination
Presented at the Institute International de Chimie, Solvay, Nov. 1962
Keck, J.C.
Ablation of an Insulator by a Current Parallel to Its Surface
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Vol.8, No.5, 436 (1963)
Keck, J.C.
Speed in Magnetic Annular Shock Tube
Research Report 152, AVCO-Everett Research Laboratory, a division of AVCO CORPORATION, Everett, Massachusetts, May 1963
Makin, B.; Keck, J.C.
Phase Space Calculation of Three Body Electron-Ion Recombination Rates
Presented at the Third International Conference on Physics of Electronic
and Atomic Collisions, London, England, July 22-26, 1963
Logan, R.M.; Keck, J.C.; Stickney, R.E.
in Rarefied Gas Dynamics, C.L. Brundin, Editor, Proceedings of the 5th
International Symposium, Oxford, Academic Press, 1966
Stickney, R.E.; Logan, R.M.; Yamaroto, S.; Keck, J.C.
in Fundamentals of Gas-Surface Interactions, H. Saltsburg et al.,
Editors, Academic Press, N.Y., pp. 422-434 (1967)
P.J.; Keck, J.C.
Desorption Rate Theory for
Adsorped Atoms on Solid Surfaces
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 15, 27 (1970)
Shui, V.H.; Appleton, J.P.; Keck, J.C.
Proceedings of the 13th Symposium (International) Meeting on Combustion,
The Combustion Institute, p. 21, 1971
Heywood, J.B.; Keck, J.C.
Oxide Formation in Spark-Ignition Engines
Presented at International Combustion Engineering Conference, Bucharest, June 1970
Keck, J.C.
Mechanism of Air Pollutant Formation in Internal Combustion Engines
Proceedings of the International Meeting on Problems of the Piedmomt
Region, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Italy, September 7-11, 1970
Keck, J.C.
Proceedings of the 1970 Thermionic Conversion Specialists Conference,
Miami, Florida, October 26-29, 1970
Tabaczynski, R.J.; Heywood, J.B.; Keck, J.C.
Measurements of Hydrocarbon Mass Flowrate in the Exhaust of a Spark Ignition
SAE Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, MI, Jan. 1972
SAE paper number 720112
SAE Transactions, Vol. 81 (1972)
Blizard, N.C.; Keck, J.C.
SAE Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1974
SAE paper number 740191
SAE Transactions, Vol. 83 (1974)
Danieli, G.A.; Ferguson, C.R.; Heywood, J.B.; Keck,
the Emissions and Performance Characteristics of a Wankel Engine
SAE Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1974
SAE paper number 740186
SAE Transactions, Vol. 83 (1974)
Hicks, E.R.; Probstein, R.F.; Keck, J.C.
SAE Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1975
SAE paper number 750009
SAE Transactions, Vol. 84 (1975)
Ferguson, C.R.; Danieli, G.A.; Heywood, J.B.; Keck,
Resolved Measurements of Exhaust Composition and Flow Rate in a Wankel Engine
SAE Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1975
SAE paper number 750024
SAE Transactions, Vol. 84 (1975)
Keck, J.C.
Theory of Atomic and Molecular Excitation and Dissociation
SIAM-AMS Proceedings, Vol. 8, 139 (1974)
Delichatsios, M.; Keck, J.C.
ACS Symposia Preprints, Vol. 20, 105 (1975)
Danieli, G.A.; Ferguson, C.R.; Heywood, J.B.; Keck,
of Performance Losses in a Wankel Engine
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (England), Vol.
C98, 155 (1975)
Jain, B.C.; Keck, J.C.; Rife, J.M.
Performance Model of the Texaco Controlled Combustion, Stratified Charge Engine
SAE Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1976
SAE paper number 760116
SAE Transactions, Vol. 85 (1976)
Danieli, G.A.; Keck, J.C.; Heywood, J.B.
and Theoretical Analysis of Wankel Engine Performance
SAE Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1978
SAE paper number 780416
Keck, J.C.
Rate-controlled constrained equilibrium method for treating reactions in
complex systems
In The Maximum Entropy Principle; Levine, R.D.; Tribus, M.; Editors; MIT
Press: Cambridge, MA, 1979, 219-245
Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Proceedings of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, East
Hartford, CT, Nov. 1977
Foster, D.E.; Keck, J.C.
A Control
Strategy for NOx from Fuel Nitrogen
Paper number CSS/CI-79-21, Proceedings of the Spring Meeting, Central
States Section of the Combustion Institute, Columbus, IN, April 9-10, 1979
Weiss, P.; Wroebel, A.K.; Keck, J.C.
Parametric Study of Quench Layer Hydrocarbons Using a Fast Sampling Valve
Paper number CSS/CI-79-16, Proceedings of the Spring Meeting, Central
States Section of the Combustion Institute, Columbus, IN, April 9-10, 1979
Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Burning Velocity or Propane-Air Mixtures at High Temperature and Pressure
Paper number CSS/CI-79-04, Proceedings of the Spring Meeting, Central
States Section of the Combustion Institute, Columbus, IN, April 9-10, 1979
G.P.; Rashidi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Thermodynamic Analysis of Turbulent Canbustion in a Spark-Ignition
Engine. Experimental Evidence
Paper number WSS/CI-80-20, Proceedings of the Spring Meeting, Western
States Section of the Combustion Institute, Irvine, CA, April 21-22, 1980
A.J.; Hoult,
D.P.; Keck, J.C.; Sarofim, A.F.
Luminosity and Unburned Hydrocarbon Measurements in Swirling Combustion
The Energy Laboratory, MIT, Topical Report prepared for the US
Deptartment of Energy, under contract EX-76-A-01-2295, July 1980
Sellnau, M.C.; Springer, G.S.; Keck, J.C.
of Hydrocarbon Concentrations in the Exhaust Products from a Spherical
Combustion Bomb
SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1981
SAE paper number 810148
Weiss, P.; Keck J.C.
Fast Sampling
Valve Measurements of Hydrocarbons in the Cylinder of a CFR Engine
SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI Feb. 1981
SAE paper number 810149
SAE Transactions, Vol. 90 (1981)
Keck, J.C.
Flame Structure and Speed in Spark-Ignition Engines
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion/The
Combustion Institute, Vol. 19, 1451 (1982)
Rhodes, D.B.; Keck, J.C.
SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1985
SAE paper number 850047
Beretta, G.P.; Keck, J.C.
The constrained-equilibrium approach to nonequilibrium dynamics
Review paper at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, December
7-12, 1986
in Computer-Aided Engineering of Energy Systems, Second Law Analysis and
Modeling, Gaggioli, R.A., Editor, ASME Book H0341C, Proceedings of the Advanced
Energy Systems division of the ASME, Vol. 3, 135 (1986)
Keck, J.C.; Hu, H.
of Adiabatically Compressed Gases in a Constant Volume Bomb
Proceedings of the Twenty-first Symposium (International) on
Combustion/The Combustion Institute, Vol. 21, 521 (1986)
Keck, J.C.; Heywood, J.B.; Noske, G.
Flame Development and Burning Rates in Spark Ignition Engines and Their Cyclic
SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1987
SAE paper number 870164
SAE Transactions, Vol. 96 (1987)
Hu, H.; Keck, J.C.
Autoignition of
Adiabatically Compressed Gas Mixtures
SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1987
SAE paper number 872110
SAE Transactions, Vol. 96 (1987)
Hoult, D.P.; Hamiroune, D.; Keck, J.C.
Transfer in the End Gas (of an Internal Combustion Engine)
SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1987
SAE paper number 870168
Law, R.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
A program for calculating constrained equilibrium gas composition
SIAM Conference on Numerical Combustion, San Francisco, CA, 1987
Chun, K.H.; Heywood, J.B.; Keck J.C.
of Knock Occurrence in a Spark Ignition Engine
Proceedings of the Twenty-second Symposium (International) on
Combustion/The Combustion Institute, Vol. 22, 455 (1988)
Law, R.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Proceedings of the Twenty-second Symposium (International) on
Combustion/The Combustion Institute, Vol. 22, 1705 (1988)
Park, P.; Keck, J.C.
Compression Machine Measurements of Ignition Delay Times for Primary Reference
Fuel Mixtures
SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, Feb. 1990
SAE paper number 900027
SAE Transactions, Vol. 99, 11 (1990)
Cowart, J.S.; Keck, J.C.; Heywood, J.B.; Westbrook,
C.K.; Pitz, W.J.
Knock Predictions Using a Fully-Detailed and a Reduced Chemical
Kinetic Mechanism
Proceedings of the Twenty-third Symposium (International) on
Combustion/The Combustion Institute, Vol. 23, 1055 (1990)
Brussovansky, S.; Heywood, J.B.; Keck, J.C.
SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting and Exposition, San
Francisco, CA, Oct. 1992
SAE paper number 922324
SAE Transactions, Vol. 101 (1992)
Hu, H.; Kennedy, L.A; Keck, J.C.
Experimental Studies of Laminar Burning Velocity and Autoignition of Hydrocarbon Fuels
in Combustion fundamentals and applications, Proceedings of the Spring Meeting of the Central States Section of the Combustion Institute, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, April 1992, p.483
Hamiroune, D.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium Using Constraint Potentials Applied to Formaldehyde-Oxygen System
Proceedings of the Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Princeton, NJ, October 1993
Lee, D.; Hochgreb, S.; Keck, J.C.
of Alcohols and Ethers in a Rapid Compression Machine
SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting and Exposition, San
Philadelphia, PA, October 1993
SAE paper number 932755
Hamiroune, D.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Proceedings of the Advanced Energy Systems division of the ASME, New
Orleans, Vol. 33,
103 (1993)
Proceedings of the Heat Transfer division of the ASME, Vol. 266 (1993)
Bishnu, P.; Hamiroune, D.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium Calculation Using GNASA and GSTANJAN Equilibrium Codes
Proceedings of the Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Worcester, MA, October 1995
Hamiroune, D.; Bishnu, P.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium Using Constraint Potentials Applied to Hydrogen-Oxygen System
Proceedings of the Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Worcester, MA, October 1995
Mankarios, E.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Ordered Species List, Based on Valence Bonds, for use in Hydrocarbon Combustion Models
Proceedings of the Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Worcester, MA, October 1995
Bishnu, P.; Hamiroune, D.; Metgalchi, M.; Keck J.C.
of Constrained-Equilibrium Codes and Their Application in Nonequilibrium
Proceedings of the Advanced Energy Systems division of the ASME,
Atlanta, Vol. 36,
213 (1996)
J. Energy Resour. Technol., Vol. 123, 214 (2001)
Hamiroune, J.; Bishnu, P.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck J.C.
Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium Calculations Using Constraint
Potentials Applied to the Hydrogen-Air System
Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Advanced Computation and
Analysis of
Combustion, Moscow, May 1997 (Roy, G.D.; Frolov, S.M.;
P. Givi, P.; Editors) ENAS Publishers, Moscow, Russia, 1997
He, H.; Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Estimation of the Thermodynamic Properties of CHO Species
Proceeding of the Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Hartford, CT, October 1997
He, H.; Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Estimation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbons
Proceedings of the Advanced Energy Systems division of the ASME, Vol. 38,
Anaheim, CA, 1998
Hamiroune, J.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck J.C.
Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium Method Applied to Formaldehyde-Oxygen Mixture
Proceedings of the Joint Technical Meeting of the US Sections of the Combustion Institute, George Washington University, Washington, DC, March 1999
He, H.; Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Estimation of the Thermodynamic Properties for Branched Hydrocarbons
Proceedings of the Advanced Energy Systems division of the ASME, Vol. 39,
Nashville, TN, 1999
Gao, Y.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium Calculations of Formaldehyde-Oxygen Induction Times
Proceedings of the Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, South Carolina, December 2001
Rahim, F.; Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Proceedings of the Technical Meeting of the Western Section of the Combustion Institute, La Jolla, CA, March 2002
Ugarte, S.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Methane Oxidation Modeling Using the Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium Method
Proceedings of the Technical Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, Penn State, PE, Oct. 2003
Gao, Y.; Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium (RCCE) Calculation of Formaldehyde Oxidation
Proceedings of the Third Joint Meeting of the US Sections of The Combustion Institute, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, March 2003
Ugarte, S.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Methanol Oxidation Induction Times Using the Rate-Controlled
Constrained-Equilibrium Method
Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition (IMECE2003), Washington, DC, Nov. 2003, in Energy Conversion and
Resources: Fuels and Combustion Technology, Energy, Nuclear Engineering, and
Solar Engineering, ASME Paper no. IMECE2003-55289, pp. 107-116 (2003)
Rahim, F.; Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Regions of Instabilities in Outwardly Propagating Methane-Oxidizer-Diluent Mixtures
Proceedings of the Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, UCLA, CA, October 2003
Ugarte, S.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Modeling of Combustion of Mono-Carbon Fuels Using the Rate-Controlled
Constrained-Equilibrium Method
Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition (IMECE2004),
Anaheim, CA, Nov. 2004 in Energy Conversion and
Resources: Fuels and Combustion Technologies, Energy, Nuclear Engineering, Paper
no. IMECE2004-62504,
pp. 159-166 (2004)
Topinka, J.A.; Gerty, M.D.; Heywood, J.B.; Keck, J.C.
Behavior of a Lean-Burn, H2 and CO2 Enhanced, SI Gasoline Engine Concept
SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, Mar. 2004
SAE paper number 2004-01-0975
Goldthwaite, D.; Metghalchi, M.; Keck, J.C.
Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition (IMECE2005), Orlando, FL, Nov. 2005, in Energy Conversion and
Resources, ASME Paper no. IMECE2005-81368 pp. 295-299 (2005)
Janbozorgi, M.; Gao, Y.; Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium Calculations of Ethanol-Oxygen
Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition (IMECE2006), Chicago, IL, Nov. 2006, in Energy Conversion and
Resources, ASME Paper no. IMECE2006-15667
pp. 305-314 (2006)
Janbozorgi, M.; Goldthwaite, D.; Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Proceedings of the Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, University of Virginia, October 21-24, 2007
Goldthwaite, D.; Janbozorgi, M.; Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Proceedings of the 5th US Combustion Meeting Organized by the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute,
Paper no. C16, University of California at San Diego, March 25-28, 2007
Janbozorgi, M.; Goldthwaite, D.; Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Proceedings of the 5th US Combustion Meeting Organized by the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute,
Paper no. C30, University of California at San Diego, March 25-28, 2007
Janbozorgi, M.; Goldthwaite, D.; Metghalchi, H.; Keck, J.C.
Proceedings of ECOS'07, the 20th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Paper no. J03, Padova, Italy June 25-28, 2007
Silbey, R.; Ao, P.; Beretta, G.P.; Cengel, Y.; Foley, A.; Freedman, S.;
Graeff, R.; Keck, J.C.; Lloyd, S.; Maroney, O.; Nieuwenhuizen, T.M.; Weissman,
Discussion on Foundations of the Second Law
Meeting the Entropy Challenge, AIP Conf. Proc. Series, Vol. 1033, 198 (2008)
Silbey, R.; Beretta, G.P.; Cengel, Y.; Foley, A.; Gyftopoulos, E.P.;
Hatsopoulos, G.N.; Keck, J.C.; Lewins, J.; Lior, N.; Nieuwenhuizen, T.M.;
Steinfeld, J.; Von Spakovsky, M.R.; Wang, L.S.; Zanchini, E.
Discussion on Teaching the Second Law
Meeting the Entropy Challenge, AIP Conf. Proc. Series, Vol. 1033, 309 (2008)
Lloyd, S.; Banerjee, D.; Beian, A.; Beretta, G.P.; Geskin, E.; Ghoniem,
A.; Gutowski, T.G.; Gyftopoulos, E.P.; Keck, J.C.; Lior, N.; Miller, S.;
Nieuwenhuizen, T.M.; Peterson, R.; Salamon, P.; Williamson, L.
Discussion on The Second Law and Energy
Meeting the Entropy Challenge, AIP Conf. Proc. Series, Vol. 1033, 374 (2008)